Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Vocab from units 3 and 4

Shopping and me

I don’t really like going shopping in huge malls. I would rather go to small specialist shops even though they are often more expensive. I enjoy looking at unusual shops and I also like seeing stores that are different to the big chains like Whitcoulls or Farmers. Probably my favourite shops are bookshops. I would much rather buy a book than a fashionable pair of boots. I do like markets, even when they are really crowded.
The busiest shopping mall in the whole world sounds interesting though. I have never been to Poland, but would like to see why Nowy Swiat is so attractive. Some of the goods sound quite expensive, but you have to pay for good quality. Especially with clothes, it is nice to buy something that is not mass produced.

Was the house haunted?

They crept quietly downstairs, trying not to make any noise. Suddenly the floor above them creaked. John was so scared that he couldn’t think clearly. He just knew that he had to get out. Why was he in this house anyway?

Were there really ghosts here? It had been built last century, and some people believed that you could hear strange sounds coming from the house late at night. A clock chimed – it was exactly midnight. John felt something brush against his face. He screamed.

Immediately the lights went on – and he woke up. His mother was smiling at him. “You must have had a bad dream!” she said.


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