Vocab from units 7 and 8
Being sick
My family has been really unwell lately. First, my husband had a sore throat for ages. He said it really hurt to swallow. When he finally went to the doctor, it was an infection and he got a prescription for antibiotics. My daughter complained that she felt sick and after the doctor examined her, he said that she had an ear infection. More antibiotics! And now, my son has a high temperature, a headache and says that his stomach hurts as well!
Planning a trip
Joe: You’ve been overseas before, Mark. Can you give me some advice about visiting Vietnam?
Mark: Sure, I went there quite recently so I could make some suggestions. Do you like adventure sports?
Joe: Actually, I don’t think I’m very adventurous. But I do love history.
Mark: Well, there are lots of historical sites and buildings and usually there are guides available who can speak good English.
Joe: Great. I’m also really interested in doing some shopping.
Mark: You’ll certainly pick up lots of bargains in Vietnam.
Going on tour
Tim is in a band called The Hot Potatoes. They did a tour of NZ last year for several months. Before the tour they recorded their second album, which has been quite a success. While they were on tour, their drummer got sick and had to drop out. Finding a replacement was difficult.
It’s a tough life travelling all the time and they got really tired of staying in a new town each night. In general, they were satisfied with the way the tour went, and are starting to talk about doing another one.
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